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Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?


Have you recently received the news that a tooth needs to be extracted? Do you have anxiety about the procedure or how your smile will be affected? If you find yourself nodding along to these questions, rest assured you are not alone, and this is a completely normal response. While conservative restorative methods, such as root canal therapy or dental crowns, are generally attempted first to preserve a tooth, when the damage is severe, a tooth extraction may be recommended to protect your oral health. If an unhealthy tooth remains in place, it can lead to chronic pain, gum disease, abscess, [...]

Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?2017-11-29T21:46:43-07:00

7 Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth


It’s a pretty well known fact that coffee, red wine, black tea, and tomato-based products can dull and stain your teeth. But did you know there are certain foods available that may naturally brighten your pearly whites? Just by making a few food swaps in the grocery aisle, you can deter tooth decay and, perhaps, enjoy a more radiant smile. Whiter teeth can take years off your appearance and make you look and feel more attractive. At Metropolitan Dental Care, we offer professional teeth whitening at our Lone Tree and Denver locations, to lighten tooth enamel by several shades. It is [...]

7 Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth2017-11-29T21:34:54-07:00

7 Common Causes of Bad Breath


Bad breath can be an embarrassing condition to deal with, but it’s a real issue that affects just about everyone at some point in their life. Although chewing gum or eating mints can help keep your breath fresh temporarily, it doesn’t necessarily get to the root of the problem. Knowing the cause of your bad breath can help you avoid the situation or seek the right treatment. Discussed below are eight common causes of bad breath. Removing certain foods from your diet or making simple lifestyle adjustments may be the answer to your problems. At Metropolitan Dental Care, we offer bad [...]

7 Common Causes of Bad Breath2017-10-26T21:34:05-06:00
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