teeth whitening

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7 Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth


It’s a pretty well known fact that coffee, red wine, black tea, and tomato-based products can dull and stain your teeth. But did you know there are certain foods available that may naturally brighten your pearly whites? Just by making a few food swaps in the grocery aisle, you can deter tooth decay and, perhaps, enjoy a more radiant smile. Whiter teeth can take years off your appearance and make you look and feel more attractive. At Metropolitan Dental Care, we offer professional teeth whitening at our Lone Tree and Denver locations, to lighten tooth enamel by several shades. It is [...]

7 Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth2017-11-29T21:34:54-07:00

3 Reasons You Need Teeth Whitening Treatment


If you’re not happy with the way your smile looks, then you may know first hand the embarrassing feeling you get when asked to take a picture. Even if you enjoy smiling and consider yourself a happy person, hating the way your smile looks can interfere with your confidence and relationships. At Metropolitan Dental Care in Denver and Lone Tree, CO Dr. Steve Law offers professional teeth whitening treatment to increase self-esteem and help patients feel more approachable and attractive. Professional teeth whitening treatment removes external dental stains to reveal a beautiful, bright smile. After receiving teeth whitening treatment, patients feel [...]

3 Reasons You Need Teeth Whitening Treatment2017-09-26T11:38:16-06:00

Is Dentist Whitening Different from Store-Bought Products?


This is an excellent question! If you've done any research into tooth whitening products, you probably know that all of them include the same active ingredient: hydrogen peroxide. All teeth whitening products are similar in that they use the same ingredient to break up pigment stains in tooth enamel. But they can be extremely different in their delivery method, strength, and how well they maintain the chemical integrity of the active ingredients. All tooth whitening products may use hydrogen peroxide, but that does not mean all whitening products are the same. Delivery Methods for Whitening Products All products use the power of hydrogen peroxide to bring [...]

Is Dentist Whitening Different from Store-Bought Products?2017-08-31T08:04:08-06:00
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