periodontitis illustration on green backgroundGum disease (also known as periodontal disease) affects millions of Americans every year. Almost every experience is different, yet the same stages and symptoms apply. It is so important that the patient receives immediate treatment for gum disease because it can cause severe damage to their oral and overall health. Thankfully, dentists offer effective treatments for every stage.

To learn more about the symptoms and treatments for gum disease, continue reading this blog.


The first and most well-known stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. There are so many reasons a person develops gum disease, including poor oral hygiene, hormonal shifts, smoking/ tobacco use, poor nutrition, and stress. All of these lead to an imbalance of bacteria in the mouth. As the bad bacteria take over, these symptoms may arise:

  • Bleeding gums while brushing and flossing
  • Puffy gums
  • Bad breath

It’s important to note that some people do not experience noticeable symptoms. However, dentists can detect less-noticeable signs of gingivitis during your six-month dental exam appointment.

Treatment for gingivitis

In most cases, a regular dental cleaning will treat gingivitis. The key is to remove as much plaque from the mouth as possible to neutralize the bacteria. In some cases, ramping up your at-home oral health care routine can rid the mouth of gingivitis.


During this stage of gum disease, the bacteria begin to attack the bone and fibers that hold your teeth in place. Pockets of bacteria will form along the gum line, and the symptoms will become more apparent. You may also experience tooth sensitivity caused by the gums pulling away from the teeth and exposing the dentin to hot or cold substances.

Treatment for periodontitis

Unfortunately, if gum disease advances to this stage, the disease becomes irreversible. The good news is that the progression can be stopped. Your dentist will most likely recommend a deep dental cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, to remove any tartar along and below the gum line.

Advanced Periodontitis

More damage to the soft and hard tissues of the mouth occurs when the disease goes untreated. During advanced periodontitis, the bacteria move further down the gum line, creating deep pockets, and infiltrating the bone. Patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • Red, swollen gums
  • Pus oozing from gums
  • Dental sensitivity
  • Loose teeth
  • Pain while chewing
  • Constant bad breath

Patients often notice that their teeth seem longer because the gums are pulling away from their teeth. This is called gum recession and is what also leads to tooth sensitivity.

Treatment for advanced periodontitis

To treat advanced periodontitis, periodontal surgery or gum grafting is recommended. Though the disease cannot be reversed, the damage can be. Before the dentist restores the gums, he will eliminate the disease-causing bacteria in the mouth and help you create an effective oral hygiene routine that keeps the disease at bay.

Gum Disease Treatment in Denver, CO

Attending regular dental cleanings is the best way to prevent gum disease from occurring and advancing. Our doctors, including a board-certified periodontist, at Metropolitan Dental Care, provide treatment for every stage of gum disease but are most passionate about helping patients avoid it altogether.

To schedule a regular dental cleaning or receive treatment for your gum disease, contact our friendly Denver dental team today at (303) 534-2626.