A cancer diagnosis can leave patients feeling overwhelmed — especially when it comes to dealing with many of the secondary health issues caused by subsequent cancer treatment. At Metropolitan Dental Care, you can see a restorative dentist who is passionate about helping cancer patients improve their oral health and receive specialized treatment to facilitate more comfortable eating and speaking.  Our Denver, CO team has experience treating oral health complications from chemotherapy treatment. We can help you or your loved ones receive high-quality, compassionate dental care in the Denver area.

If you are interested in learning more about oral treatments for chemotherapy patients from a restorative dentist, contact us at 303.534.2626.

Oral Health Complications during Chemotherapy Treatment

Many of today’s chemotherapy treatment techniques cause dental or oral side effects that can impact patients’ ability to chew, speak, or drink normally. Not only can this affect a patient’s ability to receive adequate nutrition, but it can interfere with their communication abilities and overall quality of life.

Gentle Oral Care for Chemotherapy Patients

Common oral side effects from chemotherapy treatment include:

  • Mouth sores
  • Infection of the soft tissues
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Inability to taste or altered taste
  • Pain when opening the mouth
  • swelling or pain in the tongue and inner cheeks

In addition, patients are at a higher risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease during chemotherapy treatment because of a weakened immune system.

Before Chemotherapy

Metropolitan Dental Care’s team of restorative dentists can help improve patients’ oral well-being while undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Before you receive cancer treatment, we recommend scheduling an examination with one of our dentists so we can provide any necessary restorative or preventive procedures before chemotherapy begins. We can also ensure that any prior restorative work is functioning properly, and any periodontal disease, tooth decay, or cavities are treated. In addition, braces or retainers can be removed to prevent the oral appliances from causing irritation. Plenty of time should be allowed for healing between dental surgery and the start of chemotherapy; this allows your body to recuperate, and gives your immune system time to rebound. Remember that a healthier mouth before beginning chemotherapy can help reduce oral complications once treatment starts.

How to Maintain Optimal Oral Health

Dental cleanings and exams every six months can help us ensure your mouth is healthy and strong. If you have complications or significant tooth pain or sensitivity, always make an appointment to have it checked out. Most restorative procedures such as dental crowns or fillings can be completed once your cancer treatments have ended or paused.


Between appointments, you can take steps to help improve symptoms caused by cancer treatment:

  • Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol.
  • Rinse with a baking soda solution once a day to discourage painful mouth sores.
  • Avoid sugary, spicy, or acidic foods.
  • Stay hydrated to combat dry mouth.

Contact Your Denver Restorative Dentist

Our Denver dentists understand the mental, emotional, and physical strain that cancer treatment can create. We hope to offer care that helps improve your quality of life, and contribute to your overall well-being during this difficult time. When you need quality dental care in Denver, CO, and are looking for a team that understands the relationship between chemotherapy and oral health, look no further than Metropolitan Dental Care. Contact a member of our staff at 303.534.2626.