portrait of three generations of women smiling at homeCertain life cycle stages can cause hormone fluctuations, leading to a variety of changes within the body. This is why teenagers often develop acne, why pregnancy can cause morning sickness, and why menopause can result in hot flashes. Although most of us are familiar with these examples, it is less common to consider how hormone changes affect oral health. If you have gum inflammation or perio disease in Lone Tree, hormones could actually be the culprit. Today, our team at Metropolitan Dental Care will explore the signs and symptoms of hormone-induced gum disease. By understanding the condition, you will be well-equipped to combat the issue and protect your oral health.

Puberty and Perio Disease

Adolescents experience a number of hormonal changes at the onset of puberty. The levels of progesterone and estrogen increase significantly, causing the blood circulation to the gums to intensify. As a result, the gum tissue appears red and inflamed. The gums can also become much more prone to sensitivity, and may react more acutely to irritants, such as plaque deposits, debris, and food particles. Additionally, many adolescents leave a lot to be desired when it comes to oral hygiene. Therefore, routine brushing and flossing is crucial during this time.

Pregnancy and Perio Disease

Due to the surge of hormones during pregnancy, it is not uncommon for expecting mothers to develop perio disease. This condition begins as gingivitis, causing tenderness and sensitivity. In some cases, the gums may even bleed when brushed. It is important to maintain excellent oral health habits during this time and speak with your dentist about managing the condition. In most cases, women who experience gum disease during pregnancy will no longer have the problem once the baby is delivered.

Menopause and Perio Disease

During menopause, the levels of estrogen decrease. This leads to changes within the oral cavity, which can cause periodontal disease in some women. Recent research has indicated that women who score high on the Fracture Assessment Risk Tool (FRAX) – a measurement designed to evaluate the risk of bone fractures – may be more susceptible to gum disease as well.[1] Menopausal women are also at a higher risk for developing other oral health issues, such as dry mouth. Therefore, it is important for women in this age group to see a dentist regularly to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

How to Prevent Perio Disease in Lone Tree

No matter what your age, the methods for treating gum disease are the same. First, it is imperative to understand that early detection is key. Truly, identifying the problem in the beginning stages is the single most important thing that a patient can do. Why? Because gingivitis is completely reversible with proper care. However, if the condition goes on untreated, it can progress into periodontitis, which erodes the jawbone that supports the teeth. Eventually, this can lead to tooth mobility or even tooth loss. At Metropolitan Dental Care, we offer a wide array of periodontal treatments. Patients with gingivitis typically only require a standard dental cleaning to address the problem. If you have moderate periodontitis, scaling and root planing may be recommended. For those with advanced perio disease in Lone Tree, our onsite periodontist will recommend a personalized surgical plan to eliminate infection and restore your smile.

Learn More about Perio Disease in Lone Tree

The first step in treating periodontal disease is to have an evaluation with one of our trusted doctors. You can contact us online or call 303-534-2626 to speak to a team member. Schedule a consultation with a Lone Tree dentist today!

[1] http://www.dentistryiq.com/articles/2015/03/estrogen-menopause-bone-loss-periodontal-disease.html