gum surgery can effectively reduce the effects of periodontal disease

While nonsurgical techniques, such as scaling and root planing, are effective for treating the early stages of periodontal disease, your Denver dentist may recommend gum surgery for advanced cases. Gum surgery is designed to prevent the infected tissue from spreading and causing further damage.

the dangers of advanced periodontal disease

Treating advanced periodontal disease is not something that should be avoided. Common side effects of this disorder can include:

  • Severe tooth decay below the gum line
  • Dental pain
  • Tooth loss
  • Gum recession
  • Dental misalignment
  • Bone degeneration

The health of your mouth can have a direct impact on your body. As the infection enters your bloodstream, it can also lead to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Taking action quickly can help keep your mouth and body safe and healthy.

what to expect during gum surgery

Candidates for gum surgery include patients who have had unsuccessful results with traditional periodontal disease treatments. Although gum surgery can include several different techniques, the most commonly performed for advanced periodontal disease includes gum flap surgery. Before surgery begins, the doctor will adequately clean your teeth and numb your gums with a local anesthetic. This creates a sterilized environment and optimal comfort.

An incision will be made along the gum line above the affected teeth to create a flap that can be gently lifted back to expose the infected roots of the teeth. The doctor will perform a more detailed scaling and root planing procedure using special handheld and ultrasonic instruments to remove the unhealthy bacteria and hardened plaque along the root structure. He will then carefully smooth the root surface of the tooth to prevent further bacteria from getting trapped. The bone surrounding the tooth will also be reshaped before the gum tissue is repositioned and tightly sutured in placed.


Following gum surgery, you may experience some swelling and soreness. This can generally be minimized by taking pain relievers and maintaining a soft foods diet for the first few days. Be sure and follow your postsurgical instructions carefully, keep the surgical site clean, and attend any follow-up appointments as directed. Caring for your teeth and gums after surgery is crucial in preventing infection or side effects from returning.
With the infection removed and your gums properly positioned, you can enjoy improved oral health and a better looking, more balanced smile. In addition, gum surgery will also greatly reduce your risk of tooth loss and the need for more invasive restorative procedures, such as dental implants.

contact us

For more information on what is involved during gum surgery and how it can stabilize the side effects of advanced periodontal disease, contact our Denver, CO practice to schedule your consultation.You can reach us online or call (303) 534-2626.